The department of Humanities and sciences plays a vital role in grooming the students in their basic knowledge of science and language. The department deals with Mathematics-I, Mathematics-II, Mathematics-III, Mathematical Methods, Probability & Statistics, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, Optimization Techniques for Structural Engineering, Applied Statistics, Optimization Techniques, Operations Research, Physics, Chemistry, Environmental Studies, English, Business Communication skills and Soft skills training programmes with emphasis on personality development. Begin the supportive department, H&S plays a constructive role in development of the Organization.
: THE SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES strives to advance the study and practice of the liberal arts as the dynamic core of our comprehensive college. We foster creative expression and critical thinking, support collaboration among disciplines and between faculty and students, and integrate scholastic excellence, disciplinary training, and civic engagement.
: THE SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES promotes the reasoned exchange and responsible application of disciplinary knowledge within a global society. Recognizing the endurance and relevance of the liberal arts, our diverse academic programs integrate theory and practice to address the emerging demands of our changing world.