Indicate your level of agreement with the following statements by selecting appropriate option. |
1. Rate the relevance of the units in syllabus relevant to the course. |
2. Rate the sequence of the courses that u have studied are in sequence to what u have studied in the previous semester. |
3. Rate the sequence of the units in the course. |
4. Rate the syllabus of the courses that u have studied in relation to the competencies expected out of the course. |
5. Rate the entire syllabus is completed in time ? |
6. Rate competencies expected out of the course ? |
7. Rate the loading of the courses in a semester ? |
8. Rate the courses in terms of extra learning or self learning considering the design of the courses. |
9. Rate the offering of the electives in terms of their relevance to the specialization streams. |
10. Rate the courses in terms of sequences of offering considering whether the preceeding courses have been covered. |
11. Rate the distribution of the contact hours among the course components. |
12. Rate the size of syllabus in terms of the load on the student. |
13. Rate the evaluation scheme designed for each of the course ? |
14. Rate the electives offered in relation to the technological advancements. |
15. Rate the percentage of courses having LAB components ? |
16. Rate the objectives stated for each of the course ? |
17. Rate the reading material and references regarding curriculum / subject easily available ? |
18. Rate the inclination of skill based content in current syllabus ? |
19. Rate the allocation of the credits to the courses. |
20. Rate the experiments in relation to the real life Applications ? |